Endless Online - A Free MMORPG!

Proxy Citizenship & No Home Hack

Please consider the player rules and guidelines posted at http://www.endless-online.com/disclaimer.html#disc1.

Where can I get EOStar Proxy from?
You can download Plasmastar's Star Proxy at http://eostarproxy.net/

How do I use EOStar Proxy?
  1. Run the Star Proxy installation.
  2. Once installed open EOStarProxy.exe
  3. Set your Endless Online host to
  4. Run Endless Online and login as usual
  5. Type proxy commands in the Endless Online client.
No Home Hack, Leaving Newb Island Early!
You can use the citizenship hack to leave Newb Island early by doing the No Home hack. It's the same idea as what I've mentioned before by using WPE but a lot easier to do with Star Proxy.
  1. Login to your Character on Newb Island
  2. Walk inside the shop and speak with Cindi
  3. Click on the Buy button of her shop
  4. Look at your SCR chat tab for the NPC ID
  5. Type "!!star citizen 28" and hit enter, 28 is the NPC ID
  6. Go outside and attack an NPC but don't kill it
  7. Let the NPC kill you and log out the exact moment you die
  8. Close and re-open Endless Online and login
If you've followed the steps correctly you should be sitting north of Aeven at the Temple of Destiny with no home on your papaerdoll!

Anundo Citizenship Hack!
You can gain citizenship to Anundo using the same method on mainland. This means you can use a scroll or die and respawn inside Anundo and see the Skill Master for spells, bypassing the level 33 requirement to actually walk into Anundo!
  1. Login to your Character on Mainland
  2. Walk into Aeven Grocery Shop and speak with Shop Bob
  3. Click on the Buy button of his shop
  4. Look at your SCR chat tab for the NPC ID
  5. Type "!!star citizen 3" and hit enter, 3 is the NPC ID
If you've followed directions correctly you can now spawn inside Anundo. Use a Scroll of Recall or commit suicide and you'll be there.

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